Mid-life crisis can be overwhelming or an extraordinary boost in life. For me, it is definitely the time to create something of my own !!
My name is Valentine STASSE and for the past seven years, I have been navigating in the homeshooling world three years of which with my own children. Sport passionate and curious by nature, I wanted to create a program to connect homeschooling, sports and project management.
Considering that, I created the MCC Adolescents to offer to the homeschooler’s teens a day by week where they can make friends and do activities such as sports, arts, sciences, camping, cooking and various projects of their choice.
As a former aeronautic and space engineer, project manager and now full-time homeschoolers mother and karate teacher assistant, I want to share my passion for sports, science and the outdoors with teenagers. From my experience, everything can be turn into a learning project and different skills are developed.
I have a brown belt in aïkido and a brown belt in karate, and a teacher assistant at the karate class. I practice various sports in my life, such as swimming, tennis, basketball, gymnastic, diving and skiing. As you see, I am passionate in sports, especially martial arts, I teach how to use the values from sports in different kind of projects. My goal is to teach these teenagers to explore and express their own interest to choose together the project they want to develop and help them in that journey.