My passion for martial arts has always existed but it is at sixteen that I started to do aïkido where I earned a brown belt. For two years now, I have been practicing karate, where
I have a brown belt and I am an assistant teacher in the class.
With these two disciplines, I hope to instil such values as respect, patience and perseverance. These three values are essential in order to build a project and achieve it.

I am passionate about sport, so I want to introduce a variety of sports such as basketball, baseball, swimming, skating, ultimate frisbee, soccer, tennis, ... to discover and/or improve them. We will have access to the gym. Participation in sport is important in order for teens to discover their own body. While the teenager's body is completely changing in few years, learning how use it with various sport is certainly a great asset. Meanwhile, sports allow us to work on different essential values such as teamwork, equity and inclusive.

Board games are lots of fun and play a huge place in my family learning process. There are so many skills that we can learn through these games, i.e. reading, math and strategic abilities, as well as fairplay and honesty. As many these games are English or French, we will increase our vocabulary in these languages.

3 outings are scheduled in the year as part as the regular program:
- Science center
- Musée de la civilisation
- Musée Pointe-à-Callière
(Dates to be decided depending on the exhibitions 2023-2024)
- Hiking (when the weather permits)

The Monkland Community Center is a huge actor in the NDG neighborhood. Between the scholarship, the prom clothes donations, sports and craft activities, the center is helping a lot of people. Following this example, the MCC Adolescents will be choose a project in the year to help the community too, like asking the neighborhood for food to give to "Le dépôt".
Through those projects, they are learning values like generosity and empathy.

The possibilities at the Monkland Community Center and in the neighborhood are endless.
We have access to a kitchen where we can either learn to cook and/or do chemistry experiences. In the small room, which is our own space, we can work on how to manage a project and work on it. We have access to a mirror room where we can practice a play or an interview for a job. We can go to the library across the street to just read, make some research, use the FabLab and also go see a show.
The aim is to let the teenagers express and explore their interest and decide together the project that they want to develop.

When someone says "May", I say "Let's the camping season begin !!"
I deeply believe the camping is the best way to connect. To connect with people, with ourselves and, of course, with the nature.
During the year, there will be two camping trips organised (if there is an interest). The first one is in the beginning of Fall in order to create a group dynamic. Then the second one is in late Spring to celebrate the whole year spent together.
(Cost is extra)

As life is not predictible, I think that having some knowledge of first aid assistance is a great value in everyone's life. As such, I propose to organise (if there is an interest) a class with the Red Cross in order for the teenagers to get their babysitter Red Cross certificate. (Cost is extra TBD)